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Monday, May 28, 2007

Mesothelioma Legal Help

For individuals stricken with asbestos related mesothelioma, there may be substantial compensation available if they act quickly to engage an experienced mesothelioma lawyer who is proficient in asbestos legal issues and proving asbestos exposure. Most often mesothelioma lawsuits end up with a settlement without ever going to trial or even into a court. In our experience, this is the preferred scenario for most families with a mesothelioma case.

Since the only known cause of mesothelioma in the United States is asbestos, the key to successful case is proving exposure to the product(s) responsible for the injury. That is why you need to hire an experienced asbestos related disease attorney.

This is not to say that the asbestos industry will simply give away any money. The large corporations that we routinely go up against will hire some of the best attorneys that money can buy to defend and delay against paying compensation to you. This is why retaining an experienced mesothelioma lawyer with a background in this type of case can help you and your family get the asbestos settlement or verdict you deserve.


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9/11 Impact On Mesothelioma: Researchers Worry

Researchers and experts are concerned about the possible impact of the 9/11 disaster on mesothelioma in the coming years and decades.

It is generally agreed that the large amounts of asbestos released during the 9/11 disaster will have a substantial impact on the number of new mesothelioma cases in the United States in years to come.

9/11 concerns over new mesothelioma cases are further complicated by the fact that it usually takes 20 to 40 years after asbestos exposure for mesothelioma cases to start developing. Currently there are about 3,500 mesothelioma cases being treated annually in the country.

And even where mesothelioma does occur, it is not known exactly how many of these patients will be actually treated because there is usually a large number who are misdiagnosed as having metastatic adenocarcinoma which is another different form of cancer. This could further worsen the impact of 9/11 on new mesothelioma cases over the next couple of decades.

Then there are the usual problems that hinder treatment of mesothelioma like the medical community not bothering to refer patients to centers where potentially curative treatment can be given because it is generally believed that the disease has no known cure. The truth is that although mesothelioma experts are far from having a cure for all patients, recent developments of more effective treatments including radical surgery and advanced radiotherapeutic modalities now offer much better odds for longer survival to patients suffering from mesothelioma.

Before 9/11, researchers had expected the number of new mesothelioma cases to peak in the next few years and probably begin to fall. More so because of the major asbestos control initiatives of the 1970s.


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Peritoneal Mesothelioma Litigation

Peritoneal Mesothelioma Litigation is the legal process wherein the victim of this dreadful disease seeks compensation for the physical and emotional damages it causes. Peritoneal mesothelioma is the cancer of the lining of the organs that develops as a result of toxic levels of exposure to asbestos in the air. The average survival time is one year, but if caught early, there is a one in two chance of surviving two years and a one in five chance of surviving five years. Peritoneal mesothelioma litigation allows a victim of this dreadful disease to seek compensation from their employer (if they were exposed to asbestos on the job) or from the manufacturer of asbestos-containing products. Through peritoneal mesothelioma litigation, a peritoneal mesothelioma victim may be able to recover damages associated with medical expenses, loss of income, and pain and suffering.

If you have been exposed to asbestos in the work place in the last 50 years, you may be at risk for developing mesothelioma. Medical professionals are able to measure the amount of asbestos fibers that are present in your body. If you have developed peritoneal mesothelioma as a result of this exposure, you may wish to contact a qualified attorney about peritoneal mesothelioma litigation. Peritoneal mesothelioma litigation attorneys can help maximize and protect your interests in a case. An experienced peritoneal mesothelioma lawyer can help you seek millions as compensation from your employer or from the asbestos manufacturing companies, who even being aware of the fact that asbestos exposure was hazardous, suppressed that medical knowledge and made billions of dollars in profits from the sale of asbestos-containing products.


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